There are no bad/wrong answers. Some people can handle a dog with a lot of issues, some people need a dog that is already house-trained. Some people only want to foster certain breeds, some people have no preferences. Please be honest in your answers to help insure as pleasant an experience for everyone involved.
Vet / Alternate Reference Address:
When are you wanting to start fostering? Is there a specific time-frame in which you can or can't foster?
Household Information
How many adults live in the household?
Genders and age of adults in the home:
How many children under 18 live in the household at least part time?
List the genders and ages of any minors in the home:
Are there any special needs children in the home?
Do you have regular human visitors to the home with which your new foster dog must get along?
If yes, give ages and genders of anyone who is a regular visitor:
Do you have regular animal visitors with whom your foster dog must get along?
If yes, tell us about who is visiting (type of animal, gender, age, etc.) :
Do you own other dogs?
Tell us about your dog(s) and his/her/their personality:
If you have dogs, are they spayed and/or neutered?
If you have dogs, are they used to being around other/new dogs?
Do you own cats?
If yes, how many cats?
If yes, indoors or outdoors?
If you have cats, are they used to being around dogs?
Do you have any other animals? (hamsters, guinea pigs, ferrets, rabbits, etc.)
If yes, please list:
Have you ever had to give up or re-home a pet?
If yes, please explain the circumstances. Why was the pet given up and where did the pet go?
Do you have any livestock on your property?
If yes, please list:
Do you own your home?
If you rent, do you have permission from your landlord to have a dog?
Landlord's Name:
Landlord's Phone Number:
Do you live in a:
How long have you lived in your home?
Finding the Right Dog for You
Are you willing to foster a dog that needs housetraining / crate training?
Do you have any experience with special needs dogs?
If yes, please describe:
Are you interested in / willing to foster a special needs dog (either behaviorally or medically)?
If yes, what kinds of special needs are you interested in fostering?
Is your yard completely fenced?
Describe fence (height, type, etc.):
Do you have a separate kennel run?
If yes, describe size and height:
Have you owned a dog before?
Do you want to foster a:
Male DogFemale DogNo Preference
What age dog do you prefer?
puppy under 4 months of agepuppy between 4 months and 1 yearadult dogsenior dog (over 8)
Where will the dog spend the day? (check all that apply)
IndoorsKennel/fenced yard/dog runDaycareCrateGarage
Where will the dog spend the night?
IndoorsKennel/fenced yard/dog runCrateGarage
How many hours on average per day will the dog spend alone?
If applying to foster a puppy, how will you handle potty breaks during your absences?
Filing of this application in no way guarantees approval to foster a dog from Big Dog Rescue. By signing your name below, your application attests that the information you have given is accurate and true and also gives your veterinarian permission to provide any and all information requested by us in regard to medical and preventative care provided any current and past pets they have on record. You also give permission to perform background checks to ensure that the applicant does not have a history of animal abuse/neglect or other such offenses. The information contained in this application is material to our decision to place a dog into a foster home and becomes part of the contract in the event you foster a dog from Big Dog Rescue.
I Agree